Mystified...the city night sky brightened by stars usually hidden amidst the glow of the neon lights and the bright burning glare of the city scape.
I stared in awe just as I was onlooking the state of Brisbane city on the night of Earth Hour.
I wanted to shout out to the people to look up at the sky...this beautiful starscape almost never seen by people living in the city. I craved to share the heavens with someone I loved, someone I can hold in my arms right at that moment.
Maybe one day...that scene might play out.
But while I wait...I stood alone...gazing into the heavens...wishing upon those stars.
Photos Photos Photos
Ok...Finally done.
Spent the better part of the night doing this cos the Internet kept dropping out.

Mervyn's Housewarming

Nadia's Birthday

Dinner @ Singapura

World's Greatest Shave 2008

Saint Patrick's Day @ UM&AC's
And of course...after all that...the final photo is of me...Me...ME!!!
Spent the better part of the night doing this cos the Internet kept dropping out.

Mervyn's Housewarming

Nadia's Birthday

Dinner @ Singapura

World's Greatest Shave 2008

Saint Patrick's Day @ UM&AC's
And of course...after all that...the final photo is of me...Me...ME!!!

Photos Coming Soon
Been to lazy from the weekend to upload photos yet.
All in my desktop already.
Tonight lor...yaaaaawn
Hungry...I need food.
All in my desktop already.
Tonight lor...yaaaaawn
Hungry...I need food.
Just in the office waiting for time to pass.
It's after 5 but I am hanging around so I don't have to run around the place.
Gonna go straight to the Pig and wait for people to show up.
A little anxiety is setting in but I know inside there is nothing to be anxious about.
Getting their head shaved is a big to some people and it would be for me if not because of it being somewhat familiar with the experience.
3 years ago I went through the same thing.
Back was more of a fun thing, something that I did while having a great time with her. feels more real.
Heard from Madiq that his colleague's 4year old daughter recently got diagnosed with Leukeamia. It's crap you know? For a kid to have to go through that. It's crap for anyone to go through that.
Why this charity instead of the rest of the myriad of charities for diseases? I dunno. I have no personal experience with this disease or know of anyone personally with this affliction but perhaps because it's right here in front of me? Perhaps it requires some form of commitment as a sign of support instead of just giving money? Perhaps it was just the timing. Doesn't hurt when I like their T-shirts.
Maybe...just maybe...things might change.
It's after 5 but I am hanging around so I don't have to run around the place.
Gonna go straight to the Pig and wait for people to show up.
A little anxiety is setting in but I know inside there is nothing to be anxious about.
Getting their head shaved is a big to some people and it would be for me if not because of it being somewhat familiar with the experience.
3 years ago I went through the same thing.
Back was more of a fun thing, something that I did while having a great time with her. feels more real.
Heard from Madiq that his colleague's 4year old daughter recently got diagnosed with Leukeamia. It's crap you know? For a kid to have to go through that. It's crap for anyone to go through that.
Why this charity instead of the rest of the myriad of charities for diseases? I dunno. I have no personal experience with this disease or know of anyone personally with this affliction but perhaps because it's right here in front of me? Perhaps it requires some form of commitment as a sign of support instead of just giving money? Perhaps it was just the timing. Doesn't hurt when I like their T-shirts.
Maybe...just maybe...things might change.
Shave for a Cure - Come! Partake in Charity
Well...the time is here again.
The Leukaemia Foundation's "World's Greatest Shave" Weekend is coming.

It's this weekend actually.
So I decided to make an event out of it.
Already invited friends to partake in my shaving "ritual" planning for tomorrow evening at the Pig "n" Whistle.
It's for a good cause, I can try to get people to donate some money for it, and at the same time (selfishly) get a hair cut (it's not free BTW...LOL).
Gotta works out well with timing. Haven't done this since 3 years ago and it felt right to go for it again. Even better...I am in this "renewal and refresh" stage of this year/my life and this coincides with the whole "change" factor. Take it as cleansing of old and past, embracing the present and welcoming the future.
So join me there ok?
I will be at the Pig "N" Whistle (Riverside, Brisbane) from 6.00pm (I'll get myself "shaved" by 7).
Join me for drinks, take photos, and then dinner afterwards, probably in the Valley.
And $1 is donated to Charity for every drink sold till 8pm.
The Leukaemia Foundation's "World's Greatest Shave" Weekend is coming.

It's this weekend actually.
So I decided to make an event out of it.
Already invited friends to partake in my shaving "ritual" planning for tomorrow evening at the Pig "n" Whistle.
It's for a good cause, I can try to get people to donate some money for it, and at the same time (selfishly) get a hair cut (it's not free BTW...LOL).
Gotta works out well with timing. Haven't done this since 3 years ago and it felt right to go for it again. Even better...I am in this "renewal and refresh" stage of this year/my life and this coincides with the whole "change" factor. Take it as cleansing of old and past, embracing the present and welcoming the future.
So join me there ok?
I will be at the Pig "N" Whistle (Riverside, Brisbane) from 6.00pm (I'll get myself "shaved" by 7).
Join me for drinks, take photos, and then dinner afterwards, probably in the Valley.
And $1 is donated to Charity for every drink sold till 8pm.
New Layout Soon? Plus DILBERT!!!
HAHAHA...this arc in Dilbert is funny.
Added the widget on the side bar (scroll down a little la)
Thinking of changing the layout of this place again soon...we'll see la.
A plainer white layout might be nice.
Added the widget on the side bar (scroll down a little la)
Thinking of changing the layout of this place again soon...we'll see la.
A plainer white layout might be nice.
Update Part2
*Try 2*
My memory is really bad siah. But I think nothing much happened over the next bit or so. Got my Home Loan application started [InnerVoice: Of which I still haven't gotten the paperwork...GRRRR...wondering about the reliability of this guy already] and then...OH! The 2 parties and a home cooked dinner.
The first party was Joel's Margarita party. As with most parties held @ Joel's, then night ended with more chilling around than 'party', which is good in many many ways. Haha...sedentary in my older age. But it was lots of fun. I brought my Wii guitar over and we jammed for most of the night. Joel's other friends were mostly involved in the juggling/fire twirling/performing scene so there was lots of throwing stuff around and know what I mean. So without actually ending up drunk and unable to trot home, the night ended very nicely.
Now, the 2nd party in question was a totally different scene. Potluck/Dinner/Chill out at Chetan's. And as with above...this party did not turn out the way we thought. It was supposed to be a relaxed, chill out gathering with good food and good company, but it ended up a large and noisy (and perhaps sinful) bash! Haha. Not that I am objecting...but timing sucked big time here and I was not in the right mood to party. I was worried about my mum and I felt helpless to a point. :( So while some of the group ended up continuing the party in the city...I went home to be with my thoughts. :P
One thing that came out of that night was Chetan's request for KTV, which we did...the following night...out of a whim. Too bad Chetan was not able to join us but just last friday...we went again and this time, with Chetan in tow. Haha...BEST LA!!!
Oh...and the dinner...well...had a chat with Nadia about catching up 2 weeks ago and it ended up me inviting the gang over for curry on Monday night. It was fun. Had 2 and chicken. Mmmmm....the fish could've been better but the chicken curry was superb la! :) Then on Thursday I decided to go cook another batch of fish curry to improve upon the recipe. It was better but still missing something...I dunno what though. :S
So I am on a Monday afternoon at work and after about 3-4 tries...finally completed my updates. Hahaha...still have lots of say but I'll leave it for later.
My memory is really bad siah. But I think nothing much happened over the next bit or so. Got my Home Loan application started [InnerVoice: Of which I still haven't gotten the paperwork...GRRRR...wondering about the reliability of this guy already] and then...OH! The 2 parties and a home cooked dinner.
The first party was Joel's Margarita party. As with most parties held @ Joel's, then night ended with more chilling around than 'party', which is good in many many ways. Haha...sedentary in my older age. But it was lots of fun. I brought my Wii guitar over and we jammed for most of the night. Joel's other friends were mostly involved in the juggling/fire twirling/performing scene so there was lots of throwing stuff around and know what I mean. So without actually ending up drunk and unable to trot home, the night ended very nicely.
Now, the 2nd party in question was a totally different scene. Potluck/Dinner/Chill out at Chetan's. And as with above...this party did not turn out the way we thought. It was supposed to be a relaxed, chill out gathering with good food and good company, but it ended up a large and noisy (and perhaps sinful) bash! Haha. Not that I am objecting...but timing sucked big time here and I was not in the right mood to party. I was worried about my mum and I felt helpless to a point. :( So while some of the group ended up continuing the party in the city...I went home to be with my thoughts. :P
One thing that came out of that night was Chetan's request for KTV, which we did...the following night...out of a whim. Too bad Chetan was not able to join us but just last friday...we went again and this time, with Chetan in tow. Haha...BEST LA!!!
Oh...and the dinner...well...had a chat with Nadia about catching up 2 weeks ago and it ended up me inviting the gang over for curry on Monday night. It was fun. Had 2 and chicken. Mmmmm....the fish could've been better but the chicken curry was superb la! :) Then on Thursday I decided to go cook another batch of fish curry to improve upon the recipe. It was better but still missing something...I dunno what though. :S
So I am on a Monday afternoon at work and after about 3-4 tries...finally completed my updates. Hahaha...still have lots of say but I'll leave it for later.
The Long Awaited (and Requested) Update
So...why haven't I written anything substantial for so long?'s mainly because I was lazy to write [InnerVoice: but not due to the lack of thoughts and events] or when I am sitting in front of the computer, the whole act of typing down something I was thinking about/reflecting upon moments ago seemed so...cumbersome.
Anyways...back to the update:
Erm....[IV: see what happens? You're finally here typing and nothing comes to mind. This is gonna take a few tries]...
*Try 1*
So how long has it been since I wrote anything that mattered? Over a month?
Makes has been about that long since I got back from Singapore. So many things have happened over the past few weeks...but its so hard to recall them all. [IV: that's because you were never able to recall anything in the first place]
Let's see...Chetan's house party that went out of hand, Joel's Margarita Party, KTV [IV: WOOHOO!!!], the Andy Worhal Exhibit, Rivercity's power outage [IV: (ANGER)], Singapore Club's Chup Gor Mei Dinner, my Home Loan, my Mom falling and injuring herself [IV: :(], curry dinner with the gang, and...and...many more? I don't think I'll write about everything that has happened [IV: too lazy] but let's bring on the highlights I guess.
One of the first things that I got to do when I got back proper is to arrange with Nadia and Joel to go for the Andy Warhol exhibit at the GoMA. It was so-so. The man's stuff is really good, not to mention iconic but it never really inspired me before. But you just HAVE to go have a look for yourself. It might just spark a hidden creativity inside you. [IV: But you thought that people who were in line were all pretentious and were there only to join in the crowd] was a great day out. Walked over to Southbank (yes...walked...not bus...not taxi) and the weather was just nice. The exhibit was surprisingly small though. I was expecting a-few-floors more. But it was very disappointing when we go to the end of the trail and we were still on the ground floor.
Of course by this time, Lindsay was already back in SG for CNY. I was alone...very alone at home. I must have mentioned this to some people but it isn't that I didn't have anyone to talk to. I mean...there are days when I am home and I just exile myself to my bedroom and even not see my housemate for a day or two, but knowing that there is someone else in the home is what makes this place bearable. So I tried to keep myself busy. Cleaning, throwing things out of the fridge (but this is because of the planned power outage), calling people out for dinner so I don't have to stay in the apartment. On a side note, that's why I can't buy a 1-bedroom apartment. Definitely 2-bedroom or more. The isolation of living alone will either kill me or bankrupt me.
Getting back to the power outage...Rivercity had to be turned off (literally) for 2 nights back in February. Something about switching generators I think. The first night was bearable. It was a cool night and so I slept nicely. But when I said power outage...I mean power outage. No power...nothing...nada. The fridge was dead, the water died soon after, nothing. BUT...the emergency stuff were still powered...and so like all things that happen everyday, 10 mins after the power went out, the fire alarm went off. #$%^)&^%#%#!!! And it didn't settle till 20-30mins later. Some glitch. I feel sorry for those people (if any) who actually went down as per protocol. Don't power to the lifts either. The 2nd night was a little was a warm night. PLUS it was the night of the Chup Gor Meh dinner. So after spending a night out at Singapura, I rushed back (thanks to Justin) in time before the power was cut again for the night. I felt totally crappy the next day cos I slept only a couple of hrs the previous night. YAAAAWN...
(to be continued...)'s mainly because I was lazy to write [InnerVoice: but not due to the lack of thoughts and events] or when I am sitting in front of the computer, the whole act of typing down something I was thinking about/reflecting upon moments ago seemed so...cumbersome.
Anyways...back to the update:
Erm....[IV: see what happens? You're finally here typing and nothing comes to mind. This is gonna take a few tries]...
*Try 1*
So how long has it been since I wrote anything that mattered? Over a month?
Makes has been about that long since I got back from Singapore. So many things have happened over the past few weeks...but its so hard to recall them all. [IV: that's because you were never able to recall anything in the first place]
Let's see...Chetan's house party that went out of hand, Joel's Margarita Party, KTV [IV: WOOHOO!!!], the Andy Worhal Exhibit, Rivercity's power outage [IV: (ANGER)], Singapore Club's Chup Gor Mei Dinner, my Home Loan, my Mom falling and injuring herself [IV: :(], curry dinner with the gang, and...and...many more? I don't think I'll write about everything that has happened [IV: too lazy] but let's bring on the highlights I guess.
One of the first things that I got to do when I got back proper is to arrange with Nadia and Joel to go for the Andy Warhol exhibit at the GoMA. It was so-so. The man's stuff is really good, not to mention iconic but it never really inspired me before. But you just HAVE to go have a look for yourself. It might just spark a hidden creativity inside you. [IV: But you thought that people who were in line were all pretentious and were there only to join in the crowd] was a great day out. Walked over to Southbank (yes...walked...not bus...not taxi) and the weather was just nice. The exhibit was surprisingly small though. I was expecting a-few-floors more. But it was very disappointing when we go to the end of the trail and we were still on the ground floor.
Of course by this time, Lindsay was already back in SG for CNY. I was alone...very alone at home. I must have mentioned this to some people but it isn't that I didn't have anyone to talk to. I mean...there are days when I am home and I just exile myself to my bedroom and even not see my housemate for a day or two, but knowing that there is someone else in the home is what makes this place bearable. So I tried to keep myself busy. Cleaning, throwing things out of the fridge (but this is because of the planned power outage), calling people out for dinner so I don't have to stay in the apartment. On a side note, that's why I can't buy a 1-bedroom apartment. Definitely 2-bedroom or more. The isolation of living alone will either kill me or bankrupt me.
Getting back to the power outage...Rivercity had to be turned off (literally) for 2 nights back in February. Something about switching generators I think. The first night was bearable. It was a cool night and so I slept nicely. But when I said power outage...I mean power outage. No power...nothing...nada. The fridge was dead, the water died soon after, nothing. BUT...the emergency stuff were still powered...and so like all things that happen everyday, 10 mins after the power went out, the fire alarm went off. #$%^)&^%#%#!!! And it didn't settle till 20-30mins later. Some glitch. I feel sorry for those people (if any) who actually went down as per protocol. Don't power to the lifts either. The 2nd night was a little was a warm night. PLUS it was the night of the Chup Gor Meh dinner. So after spending a night out at Singapura, I rushed back (thanks to Justin) in time before the power was cut again for the night. I felt totally crappy the next day cos I slept only a couple of hrs the previous night. YAAAAWN...
(to be continued...)
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