Let's see...The 2nd day of January was when I met up with Debs, Amy and Chua again for lunch. My sis joined us this time round. It was supposed to be a pot-luck at Deb's but cos of the lack of numbers...we went to a Hong Kong style Cafe instead. The food was good nonetheless.
The same evening, I met Dao and Yolanda for dinner at Swensons in the city. It was good seeing Yolanda after soooooo long siah...it was madness.

Orchard Road @ Night
Met up with Justin 2 days later to go to the National Museum. It was great fun. And since both of us have not been around for so long...it really felt like a tourist thing to do la...hehehe...fuuuun.
But I didn't get to finish going round every section of the exhibit. Got round to The Japanese Occupation only and time ran out. UGH! I planned to return another day to finish the rest but that day just never came.
But to sum up...it was great to go through the history of my home all over again. But instead of boring textbooks, the exhibit was more like an adventure that peaks your interest and reveals marvels. It was GREAT. I definitely learnt alot.

Inner Corridor of the Museum

Glass Roof

Live Gallery 1

Live Gallery 2
On Monday night, I went to an Accapella performance by a Norwegian (or was it Swedish) group. The singing was ok but spending time with Debs was the fun part I guess. It has been so long. I also forgot how fun it was. We had supper at the food place beside the Esplanade (don't go there...cheat money one) and I found interesting items to eat. Finally get to eat my Sambal Stringray and the highlight: Kaya Fondue...LOL
The rest seems to be a jumbled memory of what I did. Definitely not in the correct order.
We (Me, Anthony, Karyn & Justin) went to watch My Fair Lady with Doris T & Family on one of the nights. It was good. LOVED how they made fun of the English Language. And of course...it was surreal cos the theme was so...modern Singapore. Social Divides, Language Problems...lol

My Fair Lady
Also met up with Kent & Serene for dinner. Weixin and Wendy also joined us and we ended up at this Vietnamese place beside Raffles Hotel. Not bad, the food. Catching up with this gang really brings back memories. I mean...we were housemates back in Brissy for a long time. It felt really comfortable with them around.
Also had a chance to meet Darrell a couple of times while I was back and also Joseph and Jasmine. SIGH...It's all because all them and everyone else that makes me think of returning to Singapore. Perhaps one day I will...once I know I can survive back there.
The final 'big' thing I did while on my holiday was to watch Chestnuts. FINALLY ok! EVERY year they show it when I am in Brissy. This year...they pushed it back and I even had to change my flight to catch the preview show. But it was GREAT la! So Farnie!!!!!!!
SIGH...Why do I have to leave?!?!?
And so ends my trip back home. With lotsa memories (albeit jumbled up), lotsa pictures, and lotsa love.
Yeah! After one terrible week of bring back in Brissy and getting back into the grind of work, came the preparation for Australia's National Day. Jeff, Mervyn, Lindz and myself decided to have an Aussie Day BBQ to celebrate this country's Birthday and also have an excuse to gather people together again.
It was fun having everyone at one place again to catch up, spend time, and enjoy each other's company. It guess this is the closest you can get to family over here in a foreign land.
We ate our fill, chatted till the cows came home and then retreated home for rest. With Jeff, Joel and I finishing the day with a couple of game of DOTA. ROFL

Ah! The Final Chapter of this Adventure.
Nadia's Birthday Drinks
This day finally arrived after 2 weeks of 'planning' and 'shopping'. LOL
We got ourselves a double booth at Alhambra for Nadia and her friends. The problem was that I was so shacked by the week...I was falling asleep before we even reached.
Had dinner with Jeff (who flew off to SG that night) and Justin (who offered to drop some of us off at the nightclub) first. Nadia seemed to have a great time that night. I got her a Champagne Royale which didn't come together very well cos alot of it bubbled over the counter. ##%^&*&^ Stupid Bartender #$^%$&
We (and in we I meant the girls) drank ourselves silly and I was just sitting there stoned out and falling asleep la. So loser...lol
I went home early and caught my Zs but not before having a great time unwinding after a long week and spending time celebrating the birthday of a good friend.

Who's your Daddy

Damien & Chris

Nadia & Lindsay

Super Thin Chinese Eyes Stare


The Lady & her Cosmopolitan

The Cute Couple
So there you have it. The adventures of the past few months sort of summarised into 2 'short' entries. I definitely have omitted lots of details but hey...I am only human. Can't remember EVERYTHING...haha...plus I am lazy la. :P
So till next time (hopefully not too long), have a great day and happy blogging!
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